Alessandro Barone

Hi! I'm a researcher in Particle Physics

Alessandro Barone

Alessandro Barone

Hi! I'm a researcher in Particle Physics

Student-led Conference

1 minutes
September 8, 2022

I have succesfully organised my first conference “From Particle Physics to Gravitation: the Crossover with Data Science”, check the website!

The conference addressed the necessity of Data Science and High Performance Computers in Theoretical Physics, and covered topics from particle physics - such as phenomenology and lattice QCD - to gravitation and cosmology, with a particular focus on the application of techniques from fields like artificial intelligence, machine learning and data generation.

This event has been sponsored by SEPnet (South-East Physics Network), which every year gives the opportunity to postgraduate students to organise networking events among the universities of the network. The scheme awards students with the funding and guidance necessary to create a 2-day conference on a chosen subject.

A huge thanks to all the speakers and participants!

A huge thanks to all the speakers and participants!