Alessandro Barone

Hi! I'm a researcher in Particle Physics

Alessandro Barone

Alessandro Barone

Hi! I'm a researcher in Particle Physics


Hey there 👋, welcome to my webpage!

I am currently a PhD student in Theoretical Physics at the University of Southampton. I am working in the Lattice QCD group and I am supervised by Prof. Andreas Jüttner.

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Doctoral Research Poster Showcase

This is a full text description of the poster I presented at the Doctoral Research Poster Showcase. This is intended to be a very general introduction for non practitioners. Experts can go directly to my latest conference proceedings. Introduction Particle physics is the study of the tiniest elements in the whole Universe. Most of the subatomic particles gather together to form composite objects: some of these form the ordinary matter that we see and touch every day.

JSPS Short-Term Fellowship

I have been awarded a JSPS Short-Term Fellowship to spend 4 months at KEK (Tsukuba, Japan) to work on my research project ‘‘$B_{(s)}$ and $D_{(s)}$ mesons inclusive semi-leptonic decays from Lattice QCD’’ together with Prof. Shoji Hashimoto and Prof. Takashi Kaneko.